RBI Assitant Previous Years Cutoff

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RBI ASSIATANT Prelims  2016 Cutoffs

Centre wise/Category wise cut off in respect of the preliminary online examination for the post of Assistant held on December 24, 2016
Ahmedabad 51.25 68.00 73.75 42.00 36.25 40.00 # 48.50
Bengaluru 62.50 58.75 68.00 71.75 38.00 30.00 42.50 57.00 43.50
Bhopal 68.50 53.25 74.25 77.75 # 50.00 39.50 # 50.25
Bhubaneswar 66.50 57.25 79.75 31.50 51.75 46.00 50.25 61.75
Chandigarh 67.00 73.75 81.50 34.25 49.50 32.50 34.00 54.00
Chennai 70.25 76.25 78.25 # 32.00 35.25 49.25 42.50
Guwahati 68.00 57.50 70.25 72.50 # 39.75 66.50 # 35.75
Hyderabad 73.75 70.00 78.00 81.50 37.50 66.75 62.00 43.75 59.25
Jaipur 69.00 62.25 76.00 80.50 # 49.00 55.75
Jammu 66.75 50.75 62.75 76.00 # 41.25 56.00 41.25
Kanpur & Lucknow 67.25 63.00 73.50 79.75 36.25 52.25 38.75 44.25 59.50
Kolkata 68.25 72.75 80.75 39.25 37.50 35.25 52.25 51.75
Mumbai 63.75 47.50 66.00 70.25 45.00 55.75 61.00 33.75 41.75
Nagpur 68.00 71.75 41.75 40.50 37.00 # 43.00
New Delhi 70.00 73.25 81.00 34.50 52.25 55.25 37.25 56.50
Patna 68.00 65.25 75.50 80.25 35.50 61.50 52.50 35.75 55.00
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 68.75 77.75 81.00 42.75 67.50 58.00

RBI ASSIATANT Mains 2016 Cufoffs 

And, RBI ASSISTANT 2015 EXAM Cutoffs , 

Following is the cut off marks of RBI Assistant 2015 Examination:

Centre General SC ST OBC Ex- Servicemen
Ahmedabad 158.00 118.25 147.50 118
Bangalore 150.75 134.00 133.25 142.75 107
Bhopal 169.00 152.75 147.00 160.50 124.5
Bhubaneshwar 169.25 153.25 135.75 165.50 103.25
Chandigarh 171.50 148.50 158.50 137.25
Chennai 163.25 150.00 137.75 159.75 127.25
Guwahati 161.75 142.25 136.75 151.25 127.75
Hyderabad 169.00 156.25 139.00 163.25 87.75
Jaipur 169.00 146.75 142.00 163.50 87.75
Jammu 163.75 118.50 135.25 108.25
Kanpur & Lucknow 170.25 150.25 162.00 82.25
Kolkata 169.25 150.50 137.25 157.50 131.75
Mumbai 155.50 143.75 119.75 150.75 126
Nagpur 154.50 85.60
New Delhi 170.75 146.50 158.25 116.5
Patna 170.00 146.00 135.75 163.50 136.5
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 165.00 147.75 130.75


Disclaimer: Though we(www.unboxstudy.com) have not prepared not compiled this list, still we tried our best to get this from an authentic source i.e. from the official website, even if, you find any mistakes, please, do let us know, we will correct them in no time.